As the COVID 19 pandemic and its devastating implications continue to unfold on a global scale, it is only natural for people to experience a wide range of distressful feelings including fear, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, restlessness and agitation. There are several ways for us to stay positive and overcome this pandemic induced stress.
Maintain Your Day-to-day Activities and Routine
Maintaining a healthy routine despite the staying indoor most of the time can have a positive impact one’s thoughts and feelings. For instance, maintaining physical exercise, eating healthy meals and getting enough sleep help prevent fatigue and laziness. Even light exercises such as stretching or morning walks around the neighborhood helps a person to begin their day with a fresh and active mindset.

Set Goals

It can be difficult to feel motivated during isolation, however its good to set small, achievable goals to help you feel focused and accomplished. For example, simple enjoyable activities such as taking an online class, trying a new recipe for dinner or even reading a self help book can contribute to help a person feel useful and productive.
Connect with Others
For many the hardest part of the pandemic was the loss of social connection. It is very important to keep in touch with friends and family during these trying times. Just a quick video call or conversation a few times a week with loved ones help ensure that we are still loved and cared for. Staying up to date on social media is also a good way to meet new friends with common interests and mindsets.

Seek Professional Help if Necessary

If you’re experiencing an escalation of anxiety, its always a good idea to consult a professional who can guide you through this difficult time. Most therapist and psychiatrist are using telehealth methods which provide online counseling. Primary care physicians can also prescribe proper medication for anxiety, depression and insomnia if necessary.
Do Your Part to Protect Yourself and the Community
Taking action is the antidote to anxiety. For instance, frequently wearing a mask, sanitizing your hands and getting vaccinated all play a huge role to help end the pandemic. The sooner the population gets vaccinated the higher the chances are for us to return to some form of normalcy, we all have to do our part as responsible citizens to overcome COVID 19.